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This is where you will find the open job listings for the County. You can download and/or print the application and bring it to the Human Resources/Payroll County Office. 

Application in Word

Application in PDF


Current Openings



Mississippi County Jail:

  • Male Jailer (Adult Jail) *3 Openings
  • Male Jailer (Juvenile Jail) *2 Openings
  • Female Jailer (Adult Jail) *1 Opening

*law enforcement and all jail positions must pass a psychological evaluation. 


Mississippi County Road Department:



Mississippi County is an equal opportunity employer and county policy is to comply with the provisions of all state and federal non-discrimination requirements.

Applications for employment will be accepted from any person who wishes to apply upon forms provided by the county. Applicants who are residents of Mississippi County, Arkansas will be given consideration over non-residents, all other qualifications being equal.

The applicant will satisfy the written job requirements for educational background, employment experience, skills, licenses and any other qualifications standards that are job-related, and shall be able to perform those tasks that are essential to the job, with or without reasonable accommodation.

The minimum age for a county employee (other than law enforcement officers) shall be eighteen (18) years of age.

The minimum age for law enforcement officers is twenty-one (21). Law enforcement officers and all employees of the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department will be given a copy of the “Use of Force” Policy approved by the Quorum Court. Law enforcement officers shall be required to sign the “Deadly Force Policy” as approved by the Quorum Court Resolution No. R89-5, prior to being authorized to carry a firearm. It shall be the responsibility of the law enforcement officer and the County Sheriff to ensure compliance with this policy and to create and implement other specific policy inherent to law enforcement.

No applicant or employee shall be discriminated against for any unlawful reason. No employee shall be terminated for the exercise of constitutionally guaranteed rights.