County of Mississippi Arkansas

Quorum Court in Burdette
Apr 27, 2021



Location: Burdette Courthouse

Time: Tuesday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m.


You may physically attend the meeting, but please follow social distancing guidelines. If you're unable to attend, you can take advantage of the Facebook Live stream to tune in and stay engaged with your county government! Check out the agenda for tonight


1. Resolutions
- Enter into a contract with Municode
2. Ordinances
- 2nd Reading Ordinance bidding and Contracting Process
- 2nd Reading Ordinance County Board Transparency
- Ordinance Special Election Sales Tax
- Appropriation Ordinance Establish Special Revenue Fund
- Appropriation Ordinance Workforce Training & Precision Steel
- Appropriation Ordinance Funding Slot 20 Senior Citizens Center
- Appropriation Ordinance Courthouse Construction Fund