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Jury Duty for Circuit Court


The Circuit Clerk's Office is the record keeper for jury duty. The Circuit Court System, NOT the Circuit Clerk's Office, provides jury duty dates and times for citizens to report. The date of your potential service is subject to change on a daily basis, according to court proceedings that take place the day before you are to report. It is important for you to call the jury recorder line before your designated reporting date. It is the phone number shown on your jury summons form. It is imperative that you listen to the entire recording on the recorder line because it provides the date and time you need to report. Please call the appropriate jury recorder line for your district the evening before your designated reporting date after 5 p.m.

Chickasawba District Jury Recorder Line: (870) 762-2352

Osceola District Jury Recorder Line (870) 563-6471

Mississippi County has been proactively utilizing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) to ensure the safety of its court officials, jurors, employees, and residents. These guidelines consist of wearing a masking, social distancing of at least 6ft, mandatory temperature checks, and enforcing proper hygiene techniques, etc. (Please refer to the ADH Guidelines if you would like more information.)